PMI Chennai Chapter

The chapter has been actively involved in empowering girls in collaboration with Project Puthri, a program that aims to create career intentionality among underprivileged girls. To strengthen the program, Haribabuji Harikrishnan, vice president of volunteer development, addressed more than 150 female students at the Udyog Utsav event in Puducherry on 28 January. He enlightened the students on the importance of project management as a life skill.

The event served as a grand opening to the current year’s youth and social impact (YSI) initiatives of the chapter.

As part of the YSI outreach initiatives, volunteers of the PMI Chennai Chapter also conducted multiple sessions on “Project Management as a Life Skill” for Project Puthri scholars during Q3 2022. Four volunteers delivered the sessions at various schools in Chennai and Coimbatore.