
Are you a teacher/professor with a
unique project related concept to share?
If yes, write a case study and get a funding opportunity up to 3 Lacs from PMI India


  • Faculty & researchers from recognized colleges / institutions
  • Non-profit research centres
  • In-company training institutes
Download the PMI funding application here
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  College / University
Professor Teacher

Others (please specify)

PMI India is pleased to announce its 2013 Request for Proposals (RFP) for Case Writing funding on topics related to project, program, or portfolio management (PPPM). The objective is to generate a substantial body of compelling cases, relevant to Indian businesses that can be used by project management educators and trainers.

Priority sectors

  1. Infrastructure (Buildings, Housing, Transportation, Energy, Water Management, Telecommunications, Solid Waste Management etc.)
  2. Pharmaceuticals
  3. Aerospace and related
  4. Information Technology
  5. Social Sector
  6. Others (Please specify)

Focus areas

  1. Project Integration Management
  2. Project Scope Management
  3. Project Time Management
  4. Project Cost Management
  5. Project Quality Management
  6. Project Human Resource Management
  7. Project Communication Management
  8. Project Risk Management
  9. Project Procurement Management
  10. Project stakeholder Management