PMI India Conference 2011 will be held at The LaLiT Ashok, Bangalore from 8-10 Sep 2011.
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Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation



Guidelines to write a Technical Paper

Editorial Guidelines:
  • Manuscripts must be submitted in English.
  • Accepted manuscripts are subject to editorial changes.
  • Authors must use Arial font and a font size of 10
  • The papers should not exceed 10 pages (exclusive of cover sheet)
  • Authors must submit articles in electronic format, as a Microsoft® Word document (Suggest you use latest version of Microsoft Word from office 2007)
  • For any queries, please write a mail to
The author is responsible for clearance from his/her organization as well as permission to reproduce any figure, table and text previously published by others. By submitting a manuscript, the author certifies that it is not under simultaneous consideration by any other publication; that neither the manuscript nor any portion of it is copyrighted; and that it has not been published elsewhere. Exceptions must be noted at the time of submission.

A certificate from the authors will be required.

Accepted manuscripts will become the property of PMI, India. PMI, India will hold the copyright for papers accepted for publications and/or presentation.

The length of submissions should not exceed 3,500 words or 12 pages (inclusive of cover table of contents etc)

The figures, tables, charts, etc should be numbered in the paper and referred appropriately in the paper. Please do not use the statement like "see the figure below or above".

Broad framework for presenting the paper
Title of the Paper:
Must reflect the essence of the paper; must be brief, descriptive and explicit
Author(s) Name
Not more than 250 words; it must clearly state the objective, scope and result of the paper, business value, key differentiator
3-4 in numbers
Introduction contains the broad overview of the paper (no details); set the context for the paper
Main body of the paper should include headings, sub-headings, illustrations (to demonstrate results). More than 60% of the paper should be main body.
It should include:
- Examples, case studies
- Key challenges
- Methodology/process followed
- Critical success factor
- Quantified benefits to business
- Lessons learnt

All sources of information (artwork or otherwise) including full name, title (if applicable), address and phone number/Web page must be listed.

At the end of the article, references must be arranged in alphabetical order of authors' surnames and chronologically for each author. The author's surname is placed first, followed by the year of publication in parentheses. For more details, refer MLA Handbook for Writing Research Papers

[1] A.B. Smith, C.D. Jones, and E.F. Roberts, "Article Title", Journal, Publisher, Location, Date, pp. 1-10.
[2] Jones, C.D., A.B. Smith, and E.F. Roberts, Book Title, Publisher, Location, Date.

Author(s) Profile
It should also include address for postal communication, name of the organization, email address, photograph, phone and fax numbers.

Team India