Steps to Register on PMI Site

Dear CII Member,

Project Management Institute (PMI) is the world's leading professional association for a growing community of millions of project professionals and changemakers worldwide.

As the world’s leading authority on project management, PMI empowers people to make ideas a reality. Through global advocacy, networking, collaboration, research, and education, PMI prepares organizations and individuals to work smarter in an ever-changing and dynamic world.

Building on a proud legacy dating to 1969, PMI is a “for-purpose” organization working in nearly every country around the world to advance careers, strengthen organizational success, and enable changemakers with new skills and ways of working to maximize their impact. PMI offerings include globally recognized standards, certifications, online courses, thought leadership, tools, digital publications, and communities.

To Access any course Free/Paid from PMI, one needs to Register on PMI site.

To Register, follow the below steps:

  2. Click on ‘Register’
  3. You will be guided to ‘Create an Account’ screen. It has 3 sections: Personal Information, Tell us more about you and Account Information.
  4. Fill in all the information relevant and proceed by clicking on ‘Create Account’.
  5. You will be now taken to the Registration confirmation screen and there you will need to click on ‘Go To PMI Home Page’
  6. Once on PMI Home Page on the top right corner you will see link to ‘myPMI’ next to the bell icon. Click there and choose Dashboard.
  7. On Dashboard page, you will see your PMI Id no. and from same screen you can apply for PMI Membership (if interested). PMI Id no is extremely helpful for PMI to support you incase you have any questions related to product/ queries / errors.
    Registration complete. Yes, its simple! Get started now, Visit Project Management Institute | PMI

    For any queries, please write to or WhatsApp on +91 9930062499.

How to Register and Access Paid Courses

Hello CII Member,

Thank you for your interest in courses offered by PMI.

We offer online courses that cover every area of project management whether you are just starting your career or already an established professional. PMI online courses are created by PMI Instructional Designers in collaboration with volunteers or vendors, depending on the product.

In today’s increasingly complex and competitive global marketplace, technical skills are simply not enough. Companies are seeking added skills in leadership and business intelligence — competencies that can support longer-range strategic objectives that contribute to the bottom line.

The ideal skill set — the PMI Talent Triangle® — is a combination of technical, leadership, and strategic and business management expertise — and now, digital skills.

To stay relevant and competitive, you must develop these employer-demanded skills.

PMI Talent Triangle®Your Angle to Success
Learn a new skill or refresh your knowledge anytime, anywhere – all you need is an internet connection. For more details write to or WhatsApp on +91 9930062499.

Kindly follow the steps below to ‘Register on’ and access the Paid courses.

  1. Visit Project Management Institute | PMI (
  2. Click on ‘Register’
  3. You will be guided to ‘Create an Account’ screen. It has 3 sections: Personal Information, Tell us more about you and Account Information.
  4. Fill in all the information relevant and proceed by clicking on ‘Create Account’.
  5. You will be now taken to the Registration confirmation screen and there you will need to click on ‘Go To PMI Home Page’
  6. Once on PMI Home Page on the top right corner you will see link to ‘myPMI’ next to the bell icon. Click there and choose Dashboard.
  7. On Dashboard page, you will see your PMI Id no (registration no). If you choose to become a PMI Member, you can login into to your account and from there purchase membership and then your PMI ID no. also becomes your PMI Membership ID. This PMI id is very helpful for PMI support to track your information.
  8. Now about adding the course to your login. Once you are on PMI Home Page. Click on Store and select Online courses.
  9. Next you will be taken to the screen where you can search for all online courses. From the list shared by PMI or any other course that interests you, select the one which you wish to enroll and click on search. In the screen shot below I have taken ‘Disciplined Agile Scrum Master Online Course’ as an example. Once you search the course and see it in the listing, click on ‘Add to Cart’.
    Sometimes, the system may prompt you to login again, if asked kindly fill in your registered credentials.
  10. The next screen will show ‘Your Cart’, here click on ‘Continue to Checkout’.
  11. The next screen is ‘Payment Information’ screen. Here kindly ensure that your Email, Phone Number and address are properly filled. Below the Primary Phone Number, is the box to enter the ‘Promo Code’, depending on the PMI Membership status, you will be given a promo code to avail the specified discount. Kindly write to us at ‘’ to get the code. Kindly fill in all the details related to email, phone and address properly for the ‘Review Order’ link to be activated. Make sure your payment method is chosen as Credit Card/Debit card only and then proceed to make the payment.
  12. After you click on Review Order, the next screen is that of ‘Order Review’. Do a final check for correctness of course fee + tax and click on ‘Place Order’.
  13. You will see the confirmation of order placed. Now click on the Return to link and go to the Home Page.
  14. On Home Page click on myPMI and click on ‘Library’. There you will see two links ‘Course in Progress’ and ‘Knowledge Resources’. Under ‘Course in Progress’ link, click on the topic, ‘Disciplined Agile Scrum Master Online Course’ to start your learning. Click on Start Module and Start your Learning. We wish you happy learning!

    For any queries, please write to or WhatsApp on +91 9930062499.

How to Register and Access Free Courses

Hello CII Member,

Thank you for your interest in Free courses offered by PMI. The nature of work is changing. And we’re here to help you adapt and thrive. We’ve compiled a variety of free resources, virtual events and even a sneak peek of new digital offerings to help you connect with the global community, build skills and prepare to advance in a post- COVID-19 world. Sharing herewith few of the free online courses. For more details write to or WhatsApp on +91 9930062499.

Business Continuity Online Course
Offered at no-cost, this course is timely and relevant. With more companies asking employees to work from home and in-person industry events going virtual, COVID-19 has created an immediate need to rethink work processes. This course is designed to help leaders and their employees adapt during this difficult time.

Project Management for Beginners Online Course
Made available for free for the first time ever, Project Management for Beginners is an introductory course which provides the foundational knowledge necessary to join a project team and can serve as the first step on the path to a project management career.

Free Introduction: Basics of Disciplined AgileTM Online Course
What exactly IS Disciplined Agile? In this fast-paced introduction, get a glimpse of what you’ll learn in the full online course, Basics of Disciplined Agile, – and just how it can help you, your team and your organization. Check out this complimentary session, open your agile options and learn more about Disciplined Agile.

Kindly follow the steps below to ‘Register on’ and access the course.

  1. Visit Project Management Institute | PMI (
  2. Click on ‘Register’
  3. You will be guided to ‘Create an Account’ screen. It has 3 sections: Personal Information, Tell us more about you and Account Information.
  4. Fill in all the information relevant and proceed by clicking on ‘Create Account’.
  5. You will be now taken to the Registration confirmation screen and there you will need to click on ‘Go To PMI Home Page’
  6. Once on PMI Home Page on the top right corner you will see link to ‘myPMI’ next to the bell icon. Click there and choose Dashboard.
  7. On Dashboard page, you will see your PMI Id no (registration no). If you choose to become a PMI Member, you can login into to your account and from there purchase membership and then you PMI ID no also becomes your PMI Membership ID. This PMI id is very helpful for PMI support to track your information.
  8. Now about adding the course to your login. Once you are on PMI Home Page. Click on Store and select Online courses.
  9. Next you will be taken to the screen where you can search for all online courses. From the above 3 courses, select the one which you wish to enroll and click on search. In the screen shot below I have taken ‘Business Continuity’ as an example. Once you search the course and see it in the listing, click on ‘Add to Cart’. Ensure the course is correct and the amount is Zero.
    Sometimes, the system may prompt you to login again, if asked kindly fill in your registered credentials.
  10. The next screen will show ‘Your Cart’, here click on ‘Continue to Checkout’.
  11. The next screen is Payment screen. Here kindly ensure that your Email, Phone Number and address are properly filled. Only then the Review Order link will be activated. Below, you can see that the ‘Review Order’ link is grayed out in image one. After entering detail address the ‘Review Order’ Link Activated (see image two).


  12. After you click on Review Order, the next screen is that of ‘Order Review’. Do a final check for correctness and click on ‘Place Order’.
  13. You will see the confirmation of order placed. Now click on the Return to link and go to the Home Page.
  14. On Home Page click on myPMI and click on ‘Library’. There you will see two links ‘Course in Progress’ and ‘Knowledge Resources’. Under ‘Course in Progress’ link, click on the topic, Business Continuity to start your learning.
    Click on Start Module and Start your Learning. We wish you happy learning!

    For any queries, please write to or WhatsApp on +91 9930062499.

How to Register and Access Career Navigator

Hello CII Member,

Thank you for your interest in Career Navigator. Whether you are trying to get certified, change industries, find a new job, or develop new and existing skills, get personalized goals filled with resources curated by our Career Navigator AI learning engine to help guide you through your next career steps.

  1. Check-in with yourself - Start with Career Navigator’s self-assessment, the more you tell us, the better we can help. Think about what you hope to achieve in your career future.
  2. Choose your personalized goals - Based on your self-assessment, Career Navigator will suggest personalized goals for you to add to your Roadmap.
  3. Continue advancing your career - As you explore and conquer goals on your Roadmap, Career Navigator offers next best steps! It’s your personal tour guide to all your career destinations, now and in the future.

Kindly follow the steps below to ‘Register on’

  1. Visit Project Management Institute | PMI (
  2. Click on ‘Register’
  3. You will be guided to ‘Create an Account’ screen. It has 3 sections: Personal Information, Tell us more about you and Account Information.
  4. Fill in all the information relevant and proceed by clicking on ‘Create Account’.
  5. You will be now taken to the Registration confirmation screen and there you will need to click on ‘Go To PMI Home Page’
  6. Once on PMI Home Page on the top right corner you will see link to ‘myPMI’ next to the bell icon. Click there and choose Dashboard.
  7. On Dashboard page, you will see your PMI Id no (registration no). If you choose to become a PMI Member, you can login into to your account and from there purchase membership and then you PMI ID no also becomes your PMI Membership ID. This PMI id is very helpful for PMI support to track your information.
  8. On Dashboard screen you will see the ‘Career Navigator’ link just below the 1st section of ‘Become a Member’. You can also access the Career Navigator link directly from myPMI too.
  9. Go to Career Navigator section and click on ‘Start your journey – for free!’




    After you check the above 3 steps, we actually get started with Career Navigator inputs. It will ask you to tell us about yourself, and based on the inputs received we’ll recommend goals in your Roadmap to help you achieve your greatest career aspirations. You don’t have to fill all details in one go. Your changes will be saved as you go and you can come back at any time.

    You need to fill in information on:

    1. Experience - We will suggest personalized goals based on your work and education experience.
    2. Career Stage - Tell us where you are and where you want to be. Comparing you to other individuals on similar career paths, we’ll suggest some possible next steps to help you achieve your employment aspirations.
    3. Skills - Based on your different skill set, we can suggest topics and industries you may be interested in learning more about.
    4. Certification - Certification helps you gain credibility and build your reputation as a professional. We’ll help you figure out which are right for you, how to get certified and how to maintain your certifications.

    Based on your learning preferences, we’ll offer content that fits your style of learning, helping to keep you motivated and focused.

    Based on the rest of your Self-Assessment, we’ll serve up personalized goals for you to add to your Roadmap.

    Enjoy the guidance. We wish you very best for your career journey!

    ‘Start your journey – for free!’

    For any queries, please write to or WhatsApp on +91 9930062499.