Project Management National Conference, India 2019

20 – 21 September, 2019 | Hyderabad, India

Sriram S G

President & Conference Chairman

It is a privilege and honor for the PMI Pearl City Chapter, Hyderabad to be hosting the PMI National Conference 2019. The conference is being held at a time when PMI is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. It provides us the ideal platform to recognize the achievements of Project Managers in advancing this profession. So, let me take the opportunity to welcome you all to the City of Pearls, Hyderabad

Everything around us is changing at an unbelievably rapid space – almost making it an era of transition like no other we have seen and experienced before. The ways in which we live, and work are being disrupted and we need to adapt and transform to accepting new rules, new ways of living and new ways of working. To do this will require shifting our ways of thinking and our mindsets. It’s both harder and easier to do this than it sounds but fortunately there is help around. Industry leaders, Practitioners and thought leaders, will converge at this conference that is aptly titled “Adapt, Transform, Accelerate”, Made Possible by a Project Manager to walk delegates through their experiences, lessons learnt, their vision and skills needed to ensure we all emerge successfully in this transition

As is always with PMI – the conference is driven by passionate and professional volunteers who are coming together to make this happen. PMI India, PMI Pearl City Chapter and all the 7 other Chapters in India will work together to provide you with an experience that is truly enriching, and we look forward to meeting and interacting with you all during the conference.

Komal Mathur

Conference Director

A rapidly shifting business landscape and increased customers’ focus on business outcomes is increasing the complexity and uncertainty in the projects.

The convergence of strategy and delivery is forcing project managers to increase their focus on the customer needs, support innovation, adopt new technologies and reskill project teams.

Project management professionals need to increasingly collaborate on digital platforms with higher risk appetite, emotional intelligence, interpersonal skills and learnings.

In the 50th year of PMI’s service to the community, the 11th edition of the Project Management National Conference 2019, themed – Adapt. Transform. Accelerate. Made possible by a Project Manager, focuses on the knack of Project Management and highlights the role of a Project Manager in delivering fast paced results.

Apart from the several curated speaker sessions and PMI Awards, we have baked into the conference

  • Table Talk on Project Management - A catalyst in startup success
  • Startup Stage - pitches by budding entrepreneurs
  • An interactive session on Design Thinking
  • Pitch Perfect - success stories by practitioners and
  • TED Talks – a series of inspirational live talks by inspired leaders

A gala evening of PMI’s 50th year celebration also awaits the delegates.

The conference promises to be an exciting networking and learning opportunity to increase your relevance in today’s age of digital economy. We invite you to the city of Hyderabad for an immersive experience at the Project Management National Conference 2019.

Suresh Kavili

Treasurer & Conference Co-Chairman

Any transformational journey of an individual or an organization starts with an adaptive mind set. With the world transforming through various initiatives across domains both in private and government sectors, it is time for every project manager and program manager to align his or her skills to accelerate the growth of individuals and organizations.

The ability of a manager is measured through the knowledge, skills and attitude which enable him or her to align to the organizational goals. These key success elements are gained through various channels such as the organization you work, the articles you read, the professionals you meet etc. Here is an opportunity to directly meet and hear from the successful leaders who have demonstrated their excellency across various industries.

Our Project and Program Management related conferences helps to learn good governance, managing schedule deadlines, costs and stakeholder's expectations under various challenges and constraints that we all face one way or the other. The adaptive style of leadership is more relevant in today’s context due to volatile market conditions; where the rapidly changing technology is leading to changing customer requirements, that demands the entire project team to be prepared for the unknown and unexpected situations.

The 11th PMI National Conference themed- “Adapt. Transform. Accelerate. Made possible by a Project Manager” is being hosted by PMI Pearl City Chapter from 20 to 21 Sep, 2019 at Cyber Conventions, Kondapur, Hyderabad, India. This conference aims to provide a platform for professionals to discuss and share the challenges and achievements through the adaptive culture across startups, rural and digital projects.

Our objective for the conference is to provide you an opportunity to:

  • Realize that the challenges we face are of much lower compared to other leaders
  • Convert the challenges into opportunities or navigate through them successfully
  • Keynote addresses by National & International leaders
  • Enriching experts panel discussions sharing different views/solutions to the same problem
  • Technical papers and Case Studies to demonstrate the current industry challenges/solutions
  • Discover, learn, experience and share valuable knowledge with peers expanding the network

We hope to see you at the conference, stay tuned to this page for more details and updates about the conference in the upcoming weeks.