PMI India Research & Academic Conference 2015
Mumbai, India
13 - 15 Feb 2015
PM Excellence: Education, Research & PracticeMumbai, India
13 - 15 Feb 2015

The question that is on everyone's mind is in an increasingly projectized work culture, how does India gain an advantage and get noticed by the world? The answer is simply that India as a nation must nurture more qualified project managers. It has been proved time and again that projects executed on time and within budget can help the individuals involved, the organization and the nation grow. It is therefore of paramount importance that educational institutions begin taking the long overdue onus of systematically bridging the gaps in capabilities, competencies, knowledge base and expert talent in the field of Project Management.
The conference offers an opportunity for all project management academicians and students across India to come together, gain knowledge and share experiences.
Conference Highlights |